And speaking of hot things (time for a random change of topic, forgive me), all of this **lovely** weather we've had recently is making me think of summer--like the mmmmm, sun on your cheeks, warmth soaking through your clothes to your skin kind of summer. It's been so long since it's been's scarcely a distant memory now. There is absolutely no way that artificial heating can even try to replicate the summer sun, but there are only 58 days or so until spring, and then ummm...a few more until summer. I'll try not to think about that. Until then, all this fog isn't so bad--it's pretty, and mystical, apart from the inescapable bone-chilling coldness.
I've been meaning to take a picture, of one of those typical trees-fading-into-the fog scenes, but I keep forgetting, or I don't have my camera with me when I need it. So, instead, an image of summer-ness, since that is the primary topic of this post. I took this in Venice, a year and a half ago. I must say, I admire the Italian way of life--they never seem to do anything. The typical Italian day: wake up at 6:30 am, laze about until lunch time, eat lots, nap time, go out and eat and socialize late into the night, sleep, and repeat. Not bad...a very relaxed existence. At this moment, that is what I'm longing for--a nice Italian summer holiday. So, if you ever see me staring off into dead space, my brain is probably on another continent.
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